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Title & Description

The Forsaken Ruins - Official Gameplay Trailer 2020.

The Forsaken Ruins is a first-person horror game. Interact with the environment around you by picking up objects and throwing them to overcome challenging obstacles and monsters. You play as The Prisoner and your main goal is to escape the ruins alive. Blow up prison doors and smash items, whilst attempting to remain hidden from unknown threats.

News & Announcements (*Jun 2021)

Here you can find the most recent announcements and updates. For more details, check out the blog: "Inside the Ruins".


The fourth content update has finally arrived! V1.7.0 offers a complete overhaul and re-design of the sound within The Forsaken Ruins, along with updates to existing UI, bug fixes, and added optimization. Players can now expect to feel fully immersed as they attempt to uncover the dark secrets of Ever-Bleed Keep.

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Once again, thank you for downloading and supporting the game! I can't believe it's almost been a year since I published my first-ever game on Steam. I believe I have become a better developer since then and I hope you can continue to enjoy the updates I provide (even if they include the occasional bug!).


The third content update has finally arrived! V1.6.4 includes a new Note System (along with 25+ new notes to read from), a new Player Journal, new loading screens, a new death animation/screen, fixes, and polish. This update is primarily about the writing - players can now expect to learn more about certain characters and monsters within the game, whilst uncovering the dark history of Ever-Bleed Keep!


The second content update has arrived! V1.5.2 includes blood decals, menu/screen polish, animation refinement, and monster optimization. The decals do not tie into the current story (as of yet). In addition, the monsters will require further refinement, however as it stands, I feel at the very least, they are optimized.


The first content update has finally arrived! This update involves refinement and polish. However, there are new elements also added. If you happen to chance upon any bugs within the game or, even have suggestions of your own, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me via the Steam or Tumblr page.


Thank you for downloading and supporting the game! TFR has now been graded by Solent University! And I am pleased to announce that the game did indeed pass! 

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